Preliminary Study on the Effect of Alisitol B on Glucose Uptake in HepG2 Cells in Vitro
中文关键词: 泽泻  泽泻醇B  糖吸收  HepG2细胞
英文关键词: Alisma  Alisol B  Glucose Absorption  HepG2 Cells
王晨炜 厦门医学院药学系/厦门市中药生物工程重点实验室厦门 361023 
蔡增宏 厦门医学院药学系/厦门市中药生物工程重点实验室厦门 361024 
丘志龙 厦门医学院药学系/厦门市中药生物工程重点实验室厦门 361025 
林燕玲 厦门医学院药学系/厦门市中药生物工程重点实验室厦门 361026 
曾敏洁 厦门医学院药学系/厦门市中药生物工程重点实验室厦门 361027 
李玲燕 厦门医学院药学系/厦门市中药生物工程重点实验室厦门 361028 
韩丹 厦门医学院药学系/厦门市中药生物工程重点实验室厦门 361029 
秦家乐 厦门医学院药学系/厦门市中药生物工程重点实验室厦门 361030 
张伟云 厦门医学院药学系/厦门市中药生物工程重点实验室厦门 361023福建医科大学药学院福州 350122 
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      目的:探索泽泻醇B对HepG2细胞糖吸收的影响。方法:以不同浓度的泽泻醇B处理HepG2细胞,经CCK-8法(Cell Counting Kit-8细胞计数试剂,CCK-8),评估泽泻醇B对细胞增殖的影响。将不同培养基培养的HepG2细胞分别采用药物处理后,加入2-NBDG(2-[N-7-硝基苯并-2-氧杂-1,3-二唑-4-氨基]-2-脱氧葡萄糖,2-NBDG)为葡萄糖荧光示踪剂,用流式细胞仪测定细胞荧光强度,以此评估泽泻醇B对HepG2细胞糖吸收的影响。结果:CCK-8实验结果表明:在1~10umol/L范围内,泽泻醇B对HepG2细胞增殖的情况影响较小。糖吸收测定实验结果表明:在模拟的条件下,泽泻醇B表现出对HepG2细胞糖吸收有不同程度的促进作用。结论:初步确定泽泻醇B可促进HepG2细胞的糖吸收,提示了泽泻醇B可能是泽泻降血糖的有效成分之一。
      Objective To investigate the effect of Alisol B on glucose absorption in HepG2 cells. Methods HepG2 cells were trea-ted with different concentrations of AlisolB. Cell absorbance values were measured by CCK - 8 method (cell Counting Kit - 8 cellcounting reagent, CCK -8) to evaluate the effects of Alisol B on cell proliferation. HepG2 cells cultured indifferent mediawere treatedwith drugs, and 2 – NBDG (2 – [ N – 7 – nitrobenzo – 2 – oxa – 1, 3 – diazo –4 – amino ] – 2 – deoxyglucose, 2 – NBDG) wasadded as glucose fluorescent tracer, and the cell fluorescence intensity was measured by flow cytometry at a wavelength to evaluate theeffect of Alisol B on glucose uptake in HepG2 cells. Results The results of CCK -8 experiments showed that in the range of 1 ~ 10umol/L, Alisol Bhad little effect on the value - added of HepG2 cells. The results of glucose absorption assay showed that Alisol Bcould promote the glucose absorption of HepG2 cells in different degrees under four simulated experimental environments. ConclusionIt was preliminarily confirmed that Alisol B had a positive effect on the glucose absorption of HepG2 cells, and it was verified that Ali-sol B was one of the active ingredients for HepG2 cells in hypoglycemic.
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