Analysis of "Chinese Medical Prescription" for the Treatment of Skin Ulcers Orally Taken Prescriptions with Data Mining
中文关键词: 皮肤溃疡  中华医方  数据挖掘  用药规律
英文关键词: Skin Ulcers  Chinese Medical Prescriptions  Data Mining  Medication Rules
段学香 云南中医药大学第一附属医院云南昆明6505002 
张光红 云南中医药大学第一附属医院云南昆明6505002 
郭付祥 腾冲市中医医院云南腾冲679100 
杨恩品 云南中医药大学第一附属医院云南昆明6505002 
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      目的:研究《中华医方》皮肤溃疡内服方药规律,为临床皮肤溃疡的治疗提供参考依据。方法:按照数据挖掘处理方法,统计《中华医方》皮肤溃疡内服方药,根据药物类别、功效、药性、药味及归经录入数据库,运用Ex-cel、Weka 3.8、UCINET与NetDraw、Cytoscape 3.6.1对数据进行统计分析。结果:共纳入溃疡内服方剂26首,用药77味,常用黄芪、甘草、人参等13味药,大多性味甘温、甘平、辛温、苦温,以补虚药为主,主归脾肺心三经,肝肾胃经次之。根据高频中药的关联分析,得到药对如人参-黄芪、当归-黄芪、白术-茯苓等,发现核心药组有“黄芪、甘草、人参、当归、茯苓、川芎、白术、白芍、肉桂”,“黄芪、甘草、人参、当归、川芎、桔梗、防风、白芷、肉桂”。结论:《中华医方》中皮肤溃疡内服方的基础多为八珍汤、十全大补汤、补中益气汤、异功散等,重视补法治疗皮肤溃疡,强调补益气血、健运脾胃;灵活使用活血通络、燥湿化浊、清热解毒之法,通补并施,标本兼顾。
      Objective To study the rules of oral prescriptions for skin ulcers, and to provide some reference for the clinical formu-lation of treatments and prescriptions for skin ulcers and the development of Chinese medicine preparations. Methods The internalmedicines for skin ulcers in "Chinese Medical Prescriptions" were counted, and their types, effects, properties, tastes and meridi-ans were found out. The data were analyzed by Excel, Weka 3.8, UCINET and NetDraw, and Cytoscape 3.6. 1. Results A total of26 prescriptions for oral administration for ulcers and 77 medicines were used. 13 medicines such as astragalus, licorice and ginsengwere commonly used. The spleen, lung, heart meridians are three meridians, followed by the liver, kidney, and stomach meridi-ans. According to the analysis of the association rules of high – frequency traditional Chinese medicines, the drug pairs such as ginseng– astragalus, angelica – astragalus, atractylodes – poria, etc. are found, and the core drug groups are found to be "astragalus, lico-rice, ginseng, angelica, poria, chuanxiong, atractylodes, white peony, cinnamon", "Astragalus, Licorice, Ginseng, Angelica,Chuanxiong, Platycodon, Radix, Angelica, Cinnamon". Conclusion The basic prescriptions for skin ulcer oral administration in"Chinese Medical Prescriptions" are mostly Bazhen Decoction, Shiquan Dabu Decoction, Buzhong Yiqi Decoction, Yigong Powder,ete., emphasizing the idea of using tonic methods to treat skin ulcers, and emphasizing tonic Qi - Xue, invigorating the spleen andstomach, flexibly using the methods of activating blood and dredging collaterals, removing dampness and turbidity, clearing away heatand detoxification, and applying both tonic and tonic, taking into account both specimens.
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